Why use online accounting software?

T2inc.ca is passionate about new technologies and all the possibilities the Internet has to offer. That is why we have shifted to work 100% electronically. We use a variety of software that is accessible on the web to facilitate our work.
You are not sure you want to take the steps toward those softwares? Well, our experts are going to explain you how it could help you use an online accounting software.
Electronic Data Sharing Helps Teamwork and Collaboration
There are many pros to working with an online accounting software. That is what’s most important to T2inc.ca. Imagine 10 years ago: entrepreneurs could hardly work as a team on accounting software. They had to share backup copies on a USB stick, make sure to always use the right version and always have to reinstall accounting records versions on their computer.
Nowadays, it is much simpler! No software or accounting records installation is needed. Everything is accessible online, on the Internet and the version is always the same. Moreover, everyone can work at the same time and collaborate on accounting projects.
We don’t need to be making tons of backup copies on a flash drive. No more chance of mixing up the versions! Everything is up-to-date and you only need Internet access.
Encourage the Integration of New Technologies in Your Accounting Software
In the last few years, the technology has significantly blossomed. Needless to say, the reality of accountants today is nothing compared to what it was 40 years ago, and even 10 years ago. In fact, technologies have tremendously evolved in the last 10-15 years.
From an innovation point of view, we are light years ahead of the beginning of the 2000s. And we strongly believe that it is only just starting: technological progress will be exponential and will go at full speed.
Indeed, there are nowadays tons of apps that you can connect your accounting software to on the Internet. These apps allow you to connect your software together and work on only one platform. So, if you’re still using a software that is not on the Internet, you’re way behind! Make your life easier by integrating online software!
Here are some examples of why online software are useful. You can:
- Use software for your employees’ timesheets for their payrolls, or even invoicing clients;
- Use apps that allow you to scan your bills and take out several information to then automatically import them into your software;
- Connect employees’ payroll production services with a software;
- Use an online invoicing system that sends your invoice to the recipient via email;
- Use an online system to pay your bills;
- Use a system that allows you to automatically save your clients’ deposits into your accounting software;
- Automatically import all your bank and credit card transactions in the system.
As you can see, there are a multitude of advantages to managing your accounting online. Do not forget: it is only beginning! New technologies are already being set up, such as blockchain and big data. Be on the lookout!
Instant Invoicing With Your Phone
Does it ever happen that while being with your client, you suddenly realize you forgot an invoice? You don’t have access to your computer with your accounting software. What do you do? Well, these days are over with online accounting software! Most of them also offer an app that enables you to do your accounting from your smartphone.
Receive Payments Faster
Online software allows you to be paid faster.
First of all, since you have more easily access to your software with your phone, you don’t need to wait until you are at the office to invoice your clients. You can do it from your phone, wherever you are in the world!
Secondly, some software offers the possibility of invoicing via email and planning an automatic payment on a credit card, via an online electronic bill. Can you believe how fast it is? No need to wait for the check nor use the payment machine. You will receive your client’s payment automatically. Moreover, the payment will directly appear in your accounting software, which saves you one step: less accounting records keeping.
Utiliser un logiciel comptable en ligne : la norme chez T2inc
We could go on, but these are some of the advantages that make T2inc.ca proud to be paper-free and at the forefront of the technology. Our goal is to make customer experience utterly effective! This way, our clients save time and money. Do not hesitate in contacting us to find out more!
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At T2inc.ca, we're committed to helping business owners manage their company's tax affairs so they can grow their business.