How much does it cost to use services?

Our prices are very competitive and offer one of the best price-quality ratio on the market.

With, the average price for filling and sending corporate tax returns (T2 and CO-17 forms) vary between $375 and $750.

The price depends on the complexity of your situation and the time required to fill out your tax return before the deadline.

To help you have a better understanding, here are the fees for accountants currently on the market:

– $1,500 à $3,200: if you want to fill your corporate tax return, as well as a financial statement with a ‘’notice to reader’’ with a chartered accountant.

– $850 à $1,500: if you only make your tax return with a CA specialized in taxation.

– $400 à $850: for tax returns with a non-chartered or non-taxation accountant.

– $150 à $300: for software licences only (no service, help, advice nor verification). You fill out your tax return yourself (it takes from 3 to 15 hours for a beginner).

So why is it less expensive to go with Because we have created a software solution that allows us to automatize a number of steps, which reduce our production costs. Moreover, since we are a firm that entirely specializes in corporate tax returns, we have developed unique expertise with the T2 and CO-17 forms in Quebec. This allows us to offer you more, at a lower cost.

The basic fee for a service agreement with is $850. However, in several cases, our prices will be lower than the one mentioned above: if your company’s situation is very simple, you provide accurate information and requested documents in our forms, in reasonable deadlines.

Do not wait three months after your financial year to start doing your tax return and you will save money!

If you would like to discuss your situation, please be free to contact us.